Movie Name : 2012 DOOMSDAY
User Comments ::This is indeed the worst movie of 2009. The only thing going for this film is the special effects and even those get tiring after an hour. There is no logic used in this film...everything thing happens just because the director and writer want it to happen. Yellowstone Park is only 8 hours away from Los Angeles...everyone one on the east coast is calm while the entire Pacific coast has met unbelievable disaster...cell phones still work even though most of the world is destroyed...our hero constantly outruns every disaster that is facing him. Nothing is believable in this film. And it is 2 1/2 hours long! There are several subplots that could have easily been deleted from the film to make it 90 minutes. Nothing makes sense in this movie. The director of this movie should never be allowed to make another movie!!!
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