ThinkNow.Org Sucessfully Completed Protest Campaign Against V.A.T . (12-June-2010) 12-Hrs Cellphones Remain Off . Special Thanks To,9eha ,Dia,Bia,Shahzain,Farhan,Amaar,Mahrukh,Y2r6P2n3,Humaira,Huziam,Faria,Amir,Emad,And All Other Supporters Of This Campaign .

Sunday, January 11, 2009


GHALNAI: At least 40 miscreants were killed in clashes with the security forces in Mohmand Agency, while six FC soldiers were martyred and seven wounded.

Sources said that some 600 miscreants including several foreigners had attacked FC compound, which was forcefully retaliated and at least 40 miscreants were killed, while six FC personnel also sacrificed their lives in defending the onslaught of the marauders. Security forces targeted miscreants’ hideouts with heavy gun shelling from Ghalnai and Yaie Dag headquarters.

Updated at: 1203 PST, Sunday, January 11, 2009


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