ThinkNow.Org Sucessfully Completed Protest Campaign Against V.A.T . (12-June-2010) 12-Hrs Cellphones Remain Off . Special Thanks To,9eha ,Dia,Bia,Shahzain,Farhan,Amaar,Mahrukh,Y2r6P2n3,Humaira,Huziam,Faria,Amir,Emad,And All Other Supporters Of This Campaign .

Monday, November 16, 2009

0 :: Hollywood- Reviews ; 2012 ::

Movie Name : 2012 DOOMSDAY
User Comments ::This is indeed the worst movie of 2009. The only thing going for this film is the special effects and even those get tiring after an hour. There is no logic used in this film...everything thing happens just because the director and writer want it to happen. Yellowstone Park is only 8 hours away from Los Angeles...everyone one on the east coast is calm while the entire Pacific coast has met unbelievable disaster...cell phones still work even though most of the world is destroyed...our hero constantly outruns every disaster that is facing him. Nothing is believable in this film. And it is 2 1/2 hours long! There are several subplots that could have easily been deleted from the film to make it 90 minutes. Nothing makes sense in this movie. The director of this movie should never be allowed to make another movie!!!
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0 Cellphone Reviews :Nokia ; N900

Nokia today officially announced the Nokia N900, the device is really a handset and runs on Maemo, a flavor of Linux for mobile devices backed by Nokia and Intel.

The N900 has a side-sliding QWERTY keyboard and an 800x480-pixel resistive touch screen. According to the man who let the cat out of the bag, the build quality is similar to the Nokia E75.

The device will also have a 5-megapixel camera with F2.8 lens, 32GB of onboard memory with a microSD card slot for up to 32GB (bringing the total capacity to a whopping 64GB), a micro-USB port, 1,320mAh battery, GPS and TV-out. But these details are not as interesting as the Maemo 5 software that the device is running on.

Without doubt this is Nokia’s hottest handset to date. And one we think has every chance of going toe–to–toe with the very best smartphones out there. And that means the iPhone 3GS and HTC Hero.

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0 iPhone vs Motorola Droid: Let the battle begin

The reviews are finally starting to come in and when all is said and done, it appears to be a draw. The bottom line here is that Verizon had to do something to stop all of the tech freaks from running over to AT&T and Motorola had to do something to get back some of the customers that they have lost to both Blackberry and Apple. Enter the Droid, but apparently it has a bit more work to do before it can live up to the hype that it has created.

While the Droid is far and away the best phone that Motorola has on the market, it hardly puts the iPhone to shame. To say that it is not competitive would be a lie, but the iPhone still seems to be the easier of the two to use and already has quite a following. The only thing the Droid will end up doing is preventing the Verizon customers that were getting ready to jump at the end of their current contract over to AT&T.

While Droid has the advantage of knowing what the iPhone lacks, you would think that they would have done a better job in every category. It starts with the onscreen keyboard as the Droid is a little bit too touchy and makes a lot of mistakes. Touch screen keyboards are always iffy, but the iPhone is much “smarter”

in this area.

The browser on the iPhone is also better because of the sheer speed in which it operates. The downloads are quicker and the images are much better as well. The one area where Verizon gets a slight edge is in the navigation tool as the iPhone runs Google Maps, but does not feature the navigation feature that the Droid has. You can make a purchase in the app store, however, for a navigation tool that will alleviate this.

When it comes to the app store, it is not even close. The Droid has about 10,000 apps and the iPhone has about 10 times that amount. The challenge for Droid is going to be to try and catch up here as it is one of the major drawing points of the iPhone. This is unlikely as the iPhone seems to be putting out a new app just about every day.

While the iPhone still holds its own, it will definitely be challenged by the Droid and the next version should be something to see. Because the Droid allows better multi-tasking, has an actual keyboard and has some apps that are better, the iPhone should and probably will go to the drawing board to offer its users a better product. This is going to be a fun battle to watch where the real winner is going to be the smart phone users.

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0 :: iPhone News ::

It is not taking long for reviewers to pick apart the Droid and they only have themselves to blame. Starting a campaign by stating that this phone is everything that the iPhone is not sets a pretty high bar.

They set themselves up for failure in that everyone was expecting some super phone and what they are really getting is an iPhone copycat with not as many applications.

As has been stated before, there are features on the Droid that are very good and some of them may even be better than the iPhone, but it is simply not enough to warrant changing providers or doubling your cell phone bill. Most people that already have an iPhone are looking at a monthly service bill of at least $150 a month and some are up around the $200 level. That would be an extra $1,800-$2,400 a year to have both phones and it is simply not worth it.

This is just one man’s opinion, but before the Droid took on a giant like the iPhone, they should have had a deeper library of apps to stand behind. While the iPhone had a similar amount when it was first launched, it was a one-of-a-kind and was only competing with the Blackberry as a smart phone. This is the one point that is hammered home time and time again by people that are trying out the Droid. Why change phones to a product that only offers 10% of the apps that the Apple iPhone does?

Droid may one day be a true threat to the success of the iPhone, but that time is not now. If anything, they are further convincing Verizon customers to switch over to AT&T to have a phone that can do anything from translate a baby’s crying picking a good spot to put in a wind turbine as an alternative energy source. Right now, the Droid is simply out of its league.

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0 We Are Back .....

We are Back Once Again With Lots Of New Stuff 

nEWs  , views , and ,  iNTERViews !!!

So Get Ready Friends and Stay Connected .


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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day, celebrated April 22, is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in in 1970 and is celebrated in many countries every year. This date is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.
The United Nations celebrates an Earth Day each year on the March equinox, which is often March 20, a tradition which was founded by peace activist John McConnell in 1969.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

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Monday, April 20, 2009


Movie Review: 8 X 10 Tasveer; Star Cast: Akshay Kumar, Ayesha Takia, Sharmila Tagore, Girish Karnad, Javed Jaffrey, Anant Mahadevan, Rushad Rana and Uttara Baokar; Director: Nagesh Kukunoor; Rating: **1/2 - Could have been much better.
Jai Puri (Akshay) is a forest ranger in Canada. For over a year he is having a live in relationship with Sheela (Takia) and staying separately from his parents Jatin (Benjamin Gilani) and Savitri (Sharmila Tagore) because he doesn’t approve of his father’s business dealings. Jai is blessed with supernatural powers with which he can look at any photograph and can actually go right into that moment when it was actually clicked. Through this he helps the needy who come to him to seek answers but at the same time this whole process is dangerous to his health as the high anxiety caused because of it can even kill him. His life gets shattered when he comes to know about his father’s death. It is supposedly an accident as his father slipped down their yacht and had a heart attack when fallen into cold water. His mother, father’s business partner cum brother Sunder (Anant Mahadevan), business associate Adit (Rushad Rana) and good friend cum lawyer Anil Sharma (Girish Karnad) were present on the yacht when the accident took place. While Jai too dismisses it as an accident, Habib aka Happi (Javed Jaffery) a whimsical ex-cop meets him and explains the possibility of a murder. Jai in the beginning disbelieves him but Happi tries to bring to notice proofs that lead Jai to believe that it was indeed a murder. Jai starts using his special gift to trace the murderer through that one photograph which was clicked just minutes before his father died. But then two more murders take place and Jai is left stunned. How one shocking revelation leads to other and what “truth” comes face to face at the pre-climax forms the rest of the film.
The film begins well. Though slow paced you understand it is intentional and go along the flow. The premise of the film and the setting keeps getting really interesting and also some superbly shot sequences keep you on the edge. It is almost like watching a Hollywood suspense thriller directed by M.Night Shyamalan. But the whole premise falters during the last 30 minutes in what appears like a never ending climax. With the big suspense tumbling out and the reasons given by the murderer appearing far from convincing, you stop taking it seriously. But one can admit, the identity of the murderer is indeed very shocking and something that even the biggest of suspense film fan’s can find it difficult to predict. However, even after it is revealed, the film takes too much time to wind up. After a point you lose count of how many dead bodies are fallen.
But to give him due credit, Kukunoor shows tremendous progress as a technician and has done just the perfect casting for all the parts. His interval point is simply superb as it wipes out all the predictions you are making up till then. Kukunoor was always considered a master story teller but this time he has faltered in this area.
Akshay Kumar deserves a bow for taking the risk to be a part of such an unusual project. He has acted sincerely and given it his all. It is not the typical Akshay that you have got used to watching in the last two years. Ayesha Takia is back in form and impresses. Javed Jaffrey is simply superb right from his entry to exit. Girish Karnad makes a rare appearance and is good as usual. Sharmila Tagore lends grace to her character. Anant Mahadevan and Rushad Rana are good as well. The actress playing Javed Jaffrey’s nurse ex-girlfriend is natural.
The film hardly has scope for music and thankfully songs are kept minimized. The background score by Salim Suleiman successfully elevates the thrill element.
8X10 is not entirely a bad film. If you can digest the revelation in the climax, it can work for you otherwise you will end up coming out pulling your hair.


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Nazaara Hai (Remix)
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Aaja Maahi (Remix)
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I Got The Picture (Remix)
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Kuchh Is Tarah (Remix)

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

0 ASUS Notebook For Elite Users

Stylish, Powerful and Versatile with Robust Integrated Security, the B80A Notebook is Ideal for Corporate Users Who Demand the Most from Their Notebooks. Executives need the computing power to breeze through documents, reports and, increasingly, multimedia content. They also need a comprehensive suite of connectivity options for communicating and collaborating with colleagues and clients, or accessing critical, timely information. To this end, the B80A is powered by Intel Centrino 2 Processor Technology, and boasts ample high-speed storage and memory.

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0 Sony Ericsson W995

At the Mobile World Congress Sony Ericsson has introduced the new Walkman music phone W995. The W995 has a 8.1-megapixel camera with 16x digital zoom and a 2.6-inch QVGA scratch-resistant display. Sony Ericsson W995 also has DLNA certification, 118MB internal memory, an 8GB M2 card slot, aGPS with Google Maps, WiFi, shake control, integrated Walkman player, auto focus, flash and video recording. Sony Ericsson W995 features Media Go functionality.

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0 Asus Eee Box 206

Asus has announced the Eee Box B206 called "world’s slimmest PC".Under the hood the Eee Box 206 has an Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz processor with 1GB RAM, an AMD ATI Radeon HD 3450 graphic card with HDMI port and a 160GB SATA II HDD.

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0 What is your Google Analytics IQ?

We found about the online course in web analytics techniques and Google Analytics implementation from the Google Analytics Blog. The course is offered free of charge to everyone who is interested. You can use this lessons to prepare for the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) test or to simply become a more knowledgeable Google Analytics user.

0 Firefox 3 Gains Ground On Microsoft Internet Explorer

According to monthly data from StatCounter Global Stats Mozilla Firefox 3 overtook Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6 for the first time in February in the Internet browser wars. Internet Explorer 7 continues to lead globally with 41% market share. However, Firefox 3 is now in second place with 24% replacing IE 6.Microsoft's combined IE 7 and IE 6 market share has fallen from 68% in July last year to 63% now. IE 8 has gained a toehold in the market of just over 1%. Firefox 3 and 2 has grown from 25% in July last to 27% in February '09

0 Twitter Worm Attack

Nearly 10,000 Twitter messages, known as "tweets," had to be deleted to contain the potential damage, but no personal or sensitive information was compromised in the attacks. A 17-year-old boy, who has admitted creating the virus that wreak havoc on Twitter over the weekend, is worried about being sued by the social networking site.
The worm, known as "StalkDaily", was created by the 17-year-old Mike Mooney "out of boredom" and is now generating thousands of spam messages containing the word "Mikeyy." The worm emerged on Saturday when Twitter profiles began posting messages which encouraged people to visit The owner of the website, Mikeyy Mooney, told BNO News that he was responsible. "I am aware of the attack and yes I am behind this attack," he said. Mooney said he created the worm to "give the developers an insight on the problem and while doing so, promoting myself or my website."

Monday, February 16, 2009

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

In an interview Sonam Kapoor speaks about

her upcoming film 'Delhi 6' and her favourite

songs from it. Also she shares her working

experience with Abhishek Bachchan in

the film. Must watch

Delhi-6 is a forthcoming Bollywood film to be directed by Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra that will star Abhishek Bachchan , Sonam Kapoor, Om Puri,Atul Kulkarni, and Divya Dutta. The movie is reportedly based on Mehra's growing up years in Chandni Chowk area of Old Delhi. The film will be Mehra's third directorial venture after critically acclaimed Aks and the immensely successful Rang De Basanti, which was India's official entry to the Oscars.
PlotAmerican-born Indian, Roshan (Abhishek Bachchan) brings his ailing grandmother back to India. Little does he know that the quick trip will turn into the longest journey of his life - a journey within. The backdrop of
the story is the ancient walled city of Delhi, better known as Chandni Chowk, a character in herself. It represents the chaos, religion, beliefs and ethos of the Indian people. The pin code of that part of the city is 110006, and with pride of love they call her Delhi-6.
CastAbhishek Bachchan as Roshan Sonam Kapoor as Bittu Om Puri Atul Kulkarni as Gobar Rishi Kapoor Waheeda Rahman Divya Dutta Tanvi Azmi Deepak Dobriyal Shefali Shah K.K. Raina Supriya Pathak Pavan Malhotra Amitabh Bachchan Gulshan Grover Prem Chopra Vijay Raaz Cyrus Sahukar Nello Del Gatto Charlie Bayot Ash King
Development & CastingIn the early stages of development it was rumored that Rakeysh was going to cast newcomers for his next movie. Even it was reported that Aamir Khan's nephew Imran Khan is supposed to make his debut with this film, but was later revealed to be "Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na. Frequent changes in casting made headlines what with Hrithik Roshan being set to play the main character and then he being reportedly replaced by Ranbir Kapoor Even Akshay Kumar was reportedly roped in to play the lead, but denied. Sonam Kapoor, daughter of Anil Kapoor, who made her debut in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Saawariya, reportedly confirmed taking part in the movie and is paired with Abhishek Bachchan. Rishi Kapoor and Tanvi Azmi are also a part of the film. The film went on the floors December 20, 2007. Amitabh Bachchan reportedly has a small role in the film where he is supposed to play the grandfather to Roshan, played by Abhishek Bachchan. Waheeda Rahman will play the grandmother of the same character. Gulshan Grover has been roped in to play Abhishek Bachchan's dad in the film.Editing for the film is being done by Meghna Aschit and Rakeysh's wife Bharthi. In an interview Rakeysh said that he is not involved with the editing and is really curious to see the outcome of his hard work on the movie.
PromotionThe movie was first unveiled on the Dubai International Film Festival. Following the screening was an interactive Quetion and Answer round, comprising of the director with the rest of starcast and a vast audience. During this interaction, Rakeysh spoke about his key influences and the theme of the film, while the film's actors described their experience of working with Rakyesh. A video featuring Abhishek and Sonam's interview can be watched in the reference along with this section. The official trailer for the movie was released on January 4, 2009 which featured scenes from Delhi alongwith Jama Masjid, theatre groups, Red Fort at night, Sonam Kapoor in an unknown city and finally Abhishek watching Sonam dancing with the pigeon "Masakalli" on her head.
MusicA.R. Rahman is the music director of this film. And Prasoon Joshi is the lyricist. Sonu Nigam, Mohit Chauhan and Sukhwinder Singh have reportedly sung songs in the film. The music released on 14th January 2009. The first video of the song "Masakalli" has been released featuring Sonam and Abhishek with a pigeon. The song "Masakalli" was not part of the original film. According to the director,"The song was not really meant to be part of the narrative. I mean, who would think of putting in a song about a dove in a film like ‘Delhi-6'? It just happened. When I came to the pre-climax portion of my script, I was stuck. I needed a continuity link taking the narrative to its finale".

Monday, January 12, 2009

0 todayz newz!

(::breaking newz::)

ISLAMABAD: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has submitted the 18th amendment bill in the National Assembly secretariat on Monday.
Talking to media here, MQM leader Dr. Farooq Sattar said the 18th amendment bill would ensure the supremacy of parliament and that strong confederating units would strengthen the state. Sattar said there was a need to address the growing sense of marginalisation in the provinces.

He said the MQM’s proposed bill would ensure complete judicial independence and supremacy of the parliament. Farooq Sattar said that provincial autonomy was essential for a socio-economic turnaround in the country. “Until we empower the people, problems can not be addressed”, Sattar added.

Earlier speaking on the issue, MQM parliamentary leader in NA, Haider Abbas Rizvi said his party would approach like- minded parties for the approval of the bill.

According to reports, bill includes clauses of provincial autonomy, freedom of judiciary, strengthening of constitutional and democratic institutions. The bill also demands reduction in president’s power.

Updated at: 1331 PST, Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

0 important infomation::

(::important infomation::)
Following companies donate money to israel,
the army which is killing inocent muslims in GAZA today:
  1.  coca-cola
  2.     huggies
  3. river island
  4.   mcdonalds
  5. clinique
  6.   disney
  7.        gap
  8.   garnier
  9.    perrier
  10.     loreal
  11. mark n spencer
  12.       pepsi
  13.   revelon
stop buying these productsin order to cripplethe israeli economy.
it may seem a small thing to do but its a start.
this is the least we can do to supporrt our
brothers n sisters in GAZA.



GHALNAI: At least 40 miscreants were killed in clashes with the security forces in Mohmand Agency, while six FC soldiers were martyred and seven wounded.

Sources said that some 600 miscreants including several foreigners had attacked FC compound, which was forcefully retaliated and at least 40 miscreants were killed, while six FC personnel also sacrificed their lives in defending the onslaught of the marauders. Security forces targeted miscreants’ hideouts with heavy gun shelling from Ghalnai and Yaie Dag headquarters.

Updated at: 1203 PST, Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

0 Todayz Newz!

News Alert!

ISLAMABAD: Former President Pervez Musharraf said root causes of terrorism needed to be address.
Talking to media before his departure to US for lectures, Musharraf said India should stop talking about surgical strikes, as Pakistan is ready to cope up any adventure with full force.
Replying to a question, Musharraf said Mumbai attacks created war hysteria in India and Pakistan.
Musharraf said this is the time to resolve Kashmir and Palestine issue. He rubbishes do more rhetoric from US and said there is no secret understanding with US over cross-border attacks. Pakistan has done more than anyone else in war against terror, he added.
He declined to comment on government’s performance.

Updated at: 1057 PST, Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

if u are unable to see complete site than click on 2009 written in blog archieve!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

0 gossip:-)


amir khan in new look after

his latest movie Ghajini.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

0 the upcoming indian movie:-)

(chandni chowk to china)

the upcoming  bollywood movie

in which  akshay kumar is hero wid

depika .

(coming this january)

the pics of indian movie jumbo
the cartoon anlimation film
in which the voice of jumbo is dub
by akshay kumar and lara dutta
also dubb one of the chracter of
this movie.this movie is recently
released !
(movie by precept movies company)

0 thinkn0w about newz!

(latest newz)

Think now about war issue of palestine.

why they do war and kill the innocents.

today thinknow about this.think now plz!
(the latest indian movie blog)

the latest movie of ammir khan in which he
play s very different role then before ,and
with the new heroine Asin . watch it gud
movie thinknow about it and rate
it at our site !

Thursday, January 1, 2009

0 welcome to thinknow

  Hi welcome to thinknow.Org